Spot on Mpox (english version)
Spot on Mpox (french version)
With the “One Health approach” as harbinger
National stakeholders working in synergy with competent experts from International
organizations had to ensure that the development, realization or implementation of
validated instruments or solutions are in the letter and spirit of this approach.
Learn moreorganizations had to ensure that the development, realization or implementation of
validated instruments or solutions are in the letter and spirit of this approach.
Implementation strategy
The National Strategy is at the nucleus of a whole range of satellite projects and programs on the implementation of validated instruments or solutions in the letter and spirit of this approach.
Priority zoonotic diseases in Cameroon
Zoonotic diseases have been identified as priorities in Cameroon
It is a deadly zoonotic disease of human and most warm blooded caused by the Rabies virus.
Avian influenza
It is a deadly zoonotic disease of human and most warm blooded caused by the Orthomyxovirus.
Bovine Tuberculosis
An infectious desease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium bovis.
Zoonotic disease of humans, livestock and wildlife caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
It is an acute viral zoonotic disease of epidemic proportions characterized by fever and hemorrhage in primates, rodents, bats and human.